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International Workshop on Ideas and Strategies for HIV Diagnosis and Treatment Held by Changsha No.1 Hospital

On May 25, the International Workshop on Ideas and Strategies for HIV Diagnosis and Treatment was held in Changsha. The workshop was chaired by Professor Wang Min, director of Changsha AIDS Institute and deputy director of Hunan Provincial HIV Diagnosis and Treatment Quality Control Center. Professor Christine Katlama (former chair of European AIDS Clinical Society and director of the Infectious Disease Department of French Pitie-Salpetrere Hospital) was invited to facilitate academic exchange.
Professor Katlama gave a lecture of "ART Strategy and Integrase Era. Four experts from Changsha No.1 Hospital and other hospitals shared special cases. Accompanied by Director Xiao Gang of AIDS Division and Professor Wang Min of Changsha No.1 Hospital, Professor Katlama worked with physicians of AIDS Division to visit wards of several critically ill patients and discuss these complicated cases in the northern section of the hospital. Professor Katlama fully recognized the selection of treatment strategies and regimens by physicians and provided valuable suggestions according to his own clinical experiences. (Source: Xie Jianping and Wang Min, Public Health Correspondent of Huasheng Online, June 14, 2016)